Monday, October 19, 2009

S'mores (sort of)

S'mores are called that because once you try one, you want some-more. - Zoe

We tried to make s'mores but they wouldn't melt very much. - Alexa

Because of the wind and cool temperature, they didn't melt. - Maysie

We put them in boxes, lined with aluminum foil, and covered with black construction paper. - Cole

We were using solar energy. - Robbie

We put a coke bottle outside and put a mento in it. It exploded. - Blake

We learned a new term that astronauts use. It's called carbon dioxide bubble nucleation. - Zoe

The mentos have tiny pores. The mento looked the moon under the microscope. Each pore made a carbon dioxide bubble. - Cole

Mentos with a smooth surface don't produce carbon dioxide bubble nucleation. - Jessi

We saw a cool website with brain games. - Ms. Searcy

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