Monday, September 28, 2009

Egg-Citing Day in TAG 9.28.09

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I tried a soft-boiled egg. I did not like it. – Jessi

When you put a chicken bone in vinegar for a week, it will eventually get so soft you can bend it (even tie it in a knot). – Caitlin

You can take an egg and put it in vinegar. After a few days, you can rub off the shell and see inside of it. – Murphy

If you put a raw egg in boiling water, the egg my crack and some of the white will cook and leak out – makes it look like the egg has a hairdo. – Zoe

When you leave an egg in a bag for a week, it smells REALLY bad. – Russell

When you put baking soda in a cup and then pour vinegar in it, it’s like a volcano and it pours out the top. It’s a chemical reaction. – Cole

We played a game, boys vs. girls, on chemical and physical changes. - Blake

When you put marshmallows on a fire, a chemical change happens. – Michael

When you melt a candle’s wax, it’s a physical change. – Alexa

Cutting paper is a physical change. – Maysie

Burning a candle is a chemical and a physical change. – Jessi

When you put an old, rusty penny in lemon juice it will turn shiny. – Kathleen

A penny gets rust because of oxidates. – Jessi

The Statue of Liberty is green because of all that rust – 200 years worth. – Zoe

I tried soft-boiled eggs, also. I thought they were great. – Alexa

Old people like to put soft-boiled eggs on their toast. I think I’ll try it. – Caitlin

If you boil eggs too long, the water will evaporate and the eggs will explode. – Zoe

We look at food through microscopes and it looked weird. – Hart

You can get a microscope at Radio Shack for only $10. – Alexa

Things that sit out for a long time gets oxidation (rust). It gets all brown. – Ethan

If you cook an egg too long, the yolk will turn blue and green. - Murphy

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