Today was our first full day together as a TAG class. We began our Kitchen Chemistry unit.
Here are some of the things we did today.
We learned that tongues help you taste, and they help you talk. - Zoe
We tasted a lot of jelly beans. - Jessi
We learned some words - olfactory glands - they are in the top of your nose. - Alexa
In the lunchroom, we did an experiment by holding our nose to see if the olfactory receptors really helped us taste our food. - Ethan
Kids have 10,000 taste buds. Old adults have 5,000. - Maysie
Microvilli are hair on your tongue. -Cole
We looked at our papillae (bumps) on our tongue with a mirror and a magnifying glass. - Blake
We're bring home tongue depressors. - Russell
We learned that the sour parts of your tongue are on the sides. The salty and sweet are in the front. The bitter taste is in the back. No taste in the middle. - Murphy
We did tongue twisters. Try saying, "Unique New York" five times. - Robbie
Parents, remember that next Tuesday, September 8th at 7:00 p.m. is TAG Curriculum Night.
Also, if you have not yet sent in your e-mail address, please send it to Ms. Searcy